The following links are intended to help educate people in some of the issues and nuances that surround the areas of Creation and Evolution. Although there is ample evidence against biological evolution including the complete lack of transitional forms in the fossil record and zero reproduceable examples of biologic evolution in the laboratory, some of the most vigorous debates and controversies between Darwinian/Other Evolutionists, Theistic Evolutionists, Progressive Old-Earth Creationists, and Young-Earth Creationists include the following:
1) The dating of creation
2) Creation at once or through occasional creative events
3) The dating of Earth
4) The dating and origin of the fossil record
5) The dating of Adam
6) The potential for missing generations in the Genesis 5 and Genesis 10 chronologies
7) The dating of the Noachian Flood
8) The validity and long-term testability of radiometric dating methods
9) The human family tree vs. alleged hominids being true apes and orangutans
10) Global catastrophism via the Noachian Flood vs. uniformitarianism (interestingly, numerous evolutionists are now embracing
global catastrophism via meteor impact or other phenomena which completely undermines uniformitarianism)
11) Global vs. regional vs. local Noachian flood views
12) The Noachian Flood and Plate Tectonic Theory
13) Intelligent design in nature
These issues are difficult to infer precisely because of the lack of written human documentation before around 3000 BC. As well, assumptions and extrapolations are made by all researchers when viewing past history. Past history cannot be repeated and therefore scientifically tested which makes chronologies and dating difficult at best. Because of the difficulty in "calibrating" and completely verifying the radiometric dating of events before around 3000 BC, researchers on all sides are forced to make assumptions and extrapolations which may or may not have been true at that time or in the time periods up until today. Sometimes these assumptions and extrapolations are stated but most often they are glossed over with minimal discussion or appreciation which is problematic since they are so fundamental to the entire discussion and debate.
Also, education, media, religious affiliation, family, and influential people affect each of us which can create internal biases and influence our views one direction or the other. These links are not intended to be "the truth" about every aspect of these debatable issues as there is always speculation made when attempting to go beyond written history of mankind (and written history often includes propaganda, biases and contradictions as well).
It is hoped that everyone who uses these links will remember that one's view of these topics is not a issue of salvation and differing views are commonplace. In fact, many times people go off on tangents based on an interpretation of Genesis or Revelation (i.e. end time prophecy) which becomes their life's mantra rather than focusing on and implementing the primary teachings of the Bible. However, it is important to realize that a person's view about God's creation as well as the theory of evolution can affect his or her world view and outlook in many different areas of life. I personally lean toward a younger earth but reject the strict Bishop Usher chronology dating to 4004 BC since it appears to conflict with established and documented archaeological dating of civilizations back to at least 3100 BC, which is after Noah's flood.
Answers in Genesis (AIG) by Ken Ham - Young Earth Creationist Model
Answers in Genesis FAQ - Young Earth Creationist Model
Center for Scientific Creation (CSC) by Walt Brown, Ph.D. - Young Earth Creationist Model
Creation Essentials & Non-Essentials - Theological Critique of Strong Young Earth Creationist Model
Does God Exist? by John Clayton - Old Earth Progressive Creationist Model
Dr. Douglas Jacoby - Old Earth Progressive Creationist Model
Is There A God? by John Oakes, Ph.D. - Old Earth Progressive Creationist Model
Origins - Intelligent Design and Philosophical Theism
Reasons For Belief - A Handbook of Christian Evidence
Reasons to Believe by Hugh Ross, Ph.D. - Old Earth Progressive Creationist Model
Other Old & Young Earth Websites